
[Movie]The Devil Wears Parada

中文片名:穿著 Parada 的惡魔

英文片名:The Devil Wears Parada

剛在 Star Movies 看完這片,其實,在看之前,第一次聽到這部電影,覺得很好笑,覺得,其實時尚這種東西,根本只是對於「名牌」這種東西的代名詞罷了,然後還拍成電影,真是覺得很好玩。

在身邊一些朋友看過這部片之後,跟我說,這片其實還不錯看,因為除了品牌之外,他還有講一些其他的東西,還不錯看。不過,先入為主的觀念還是讓我很懶得去找來看。不過正好轉台的時候,看到 Star Movies 的廣告,正好,可以看一看。

這部片,一開始的時候,是一個大學剛畢業的女生(Andrea Sachs),他四處丟履歷,只為了能夠在「紐約」工作,而他也想得很簡單,他只要應徵一個「助理」,如果可以作個一兩年,那應該就有機會可以到「報社」之類的大型媒體工作。而他卻鬼使神差的被安排到時尚界的「伸展台」(Runaway Fashion Magazine)去面試。Miranda Priestly(就是她後來老闆啦)也突然想要一個不一樣的第二助理(因為之前都被 Fire 得太快了),所以就很神奇的被錄用了,不過同時,也開啟了 Andrea 不平凡的生活。


Andy Sachs: No, I don't want to quit. That's not fair. But, I, you know, I'm just saying that I would just like a little credit... for the fact that I'm killing myself trying.
Nigel: Andy, be serious. You are not trying. You are whining. What is it that you want me to say to you, huh? Do you want me to say, "Poor you. Miranda's picking on you. Poor you. Poor Andy"? Hmm? Wake up, six. She's just doing her job. Don't you know that you are working at the place that published some of the greatest artists of the century? Halston, Lagerfeld, de la Renta. And what they did, what they created was greater than art because you live your life in it. Well, not you, obviously, but some people. You think this is just a magazine, hmm? This is not just a magazine. This is a shining beacon of hope for... oh, I don't know... let's say a young boy growing up in Rhode Island with six brothers pretending to go to soccer practice when he was really going to sewing class and reading Runway under the covers at night with a flashlight. You have no idea how many legends have walked these halls. And what's worse, you don't care. Because this place, where so many people would die to work you only deign to work. And you want to know why she doesn't kiss you on the forehead and give you a gold star on your homework at the end of the day. Wake up, sweetheart.

這段很讓我覺得印象深刻是因為,當 Nigel 在跟 Andy 說,她並不「想要」這份工作,她只是「需要」這個工作,然後用很積極正面的方式告訴 Andy 她並不把工作當作一回事,所以會覺得被罵很不爽、很不公平,可是,卻沒有想到要做到些什麼。

其實我覺得, Nigel 是 Andy 的貴人,或者這樣講有點誇張,可是,我覺得他願意把手伸出去給那些願意接受他幫助的人,也因為這樣,所以 Andy 在服裝上的品味慢慢的改善,而也因為對於工作不再只是「應付」性質,所以,做到很 Remarkable 而不只是 Good。

然後講到關於選擇,其實,Andy一直很不願意承認的一點就是,她其實是 Outstanding 的一個明星,可是,Andy 卻不願意接受,而當 Miranda 利用職位來最為權力保衛戰的時候,Miranda 利用原本屬於 Nigel 的位置,換成為 Jacqueline 的時候,Andy 與 Miranda 的對話,讓我想到「權謀」,而權謀沒有對與錯,只有勝與敗。

Miranda 說 Andy 取代 Emily 來到 Paris 的時候,其實她已經作了一個「優勝劣敗」的選擇,當 Andy 回答總是,他不是自願的時候。其實答案就很明顯了,「不作選擇,也是一種選擇」啊!!

而最後,當 Andy 將手機丟到水池理得那一幕,我想應該很多人跟我一樣,覺得那是一個很「痛快人心」的事情。不過,換個角度想,如果能夠繼續作下去或者是暫時不要將火氣發出來,善用權謀,那是不是也是另一種選擇呢?

而 Andy 到報社面試的時候,總編的一句話很好玩,他收到 Miranda 的傳真,上面說道:「這個助理是他最不滿意的助理,但是,如果不用她的人,就是個笨蛋!!」我想,上天是公平的,Miranda 對待助理或許嚴苛了點,不過,這句話應該是對她(Andy)的一種肯定吧!!
